How To Prepare For A PSPS 2021

A PSPS means you could be without power for several days. We know it will be a hardship and want to help you prepare in advance. Use the following tips to get ready for, and stay safe during, a PSPS.


  • Make your own ice ahead of time. Freeze containers of water to keep food cold while power is off.
  • Before the outage begins, set your refrigerator and freezer to their coldest settings until power is restored.
  • Use coolers to keep food cold while power is off.
  • Limit opening refrigerator and freezer doors. When power is off, food can be kept cold for up to four hours in refrigerators and up to 48 hours in freezers.
  • Buy shelf stable foods.


  • Have a backup key to replace electronic keys and locks (which need power to operate).
  • Turn off/unplug electrical appliances or equipment, like T.V.s and computers, that may spark or surge when power returns.
  • Buy a battery-powered or crank radio.
  • Download or print documents you may need.
  • Locate free wi-fi locations in nearby areas.
  • Invest in portable mobile and laptop battery chargers.
  • Charge cell phones and backup chargers in advance.
  • Stock up on batteries for items you rely on.


  • Consider purchasing battery-powered LED lights or solar lanterns. Get Endurance Lights here.
  • Consider any needs for pets.
  • Keep cash on hand and fill up gas tanks. Local ATMs and gas stations may close during an outage.
  • Leave a light on to alert you when power returns.
  • Keep flashlights in reach.
  • Practice opening garage doors manually.
  • Make sure your Electric Vehicle’s battery is fully charged.


  • Find space outside to use generators, camp stoves and charcoal grills.
  • Write emergency numbers down somewhere accessible.
  • Check on neighbors.
  • Make sure backup power and generators are ready to safely operate.


  • Stock up on first aid supplies.
  • Stock prescription and non-prescription medications.
  • Plan for medications that require refrigeration.
  • Charge medical devices fully.

Information provided by PG&E. Learn more:

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